昨年 演者、歌い手として携わったギリシャ映画"PERSEPHONE"がカンヌ国際映画祭へ出品することになり、5月14日~25日まで現地で短編公開されます。
The Greek movie "PERSEPHONE", which was involved as a performer last year, will be exhibited at the Cannes Film Festival in France, and it will be released as a short film from May 14-25. After that, the whole film will be screened at Thessalonique International Film Festival and will be officially screened at various locations. Taken by a great team with a unique direction in a great location surrounded by the beautiful sea and heritage of Greece, eye-catching sets and fashion. It was a time of grace. I am really looking forward to seeing how the whole film is finished🥰As a result of the festival, I hope that it will also be screened in Japan!
大島由梨乃 - Yurino Oshima